Thursday, January 20, 2011

Longhorns Cash in, Awesome Self Defense Video, Miss St Cheerleader to Playboy

The Texans Longhorns just signed a 20 year $300 million deal with ESPN to produce the Longhorn Sports Network.  I can's help but think this is the beginning of the end of the fragile marriage between the 10 remaining teams in the Big 12.  How can A&M and OU compete with those numbers?  Perhaps the best way to get even with Texas is to isolate them.  I still expect A&M to end up in the SEC in the next 5 years.

If you want to know why the newspaper is dieing, look at this headline on the front page of the Green Bay Gazette.  Hello editor? Hello Proofreader?

So what if Pittsburgh is about to get their 7th Super Bowl title, at least our cars don't have to ice skate.  Yay Houston!!!!

For the 50th consecutive year, the worst face in America goes to......
Can you eat after seeing this?  Do you think he is single?

On a lighter note, one of these cheerleaders was kicked off her squad at Mississippi State. Can you guess which one?

If you answered the blond, Taylor Corley, you are correct.  Apparently she posed for Playboy under the name Taylor Stone.  It took some SERIOUS detective work to figure out that this was her.

Things don't always come up roses for Miss America and other pageant winners.  Take for example Miss USA 1992, Shannon Marketic.  The 39 year old was convicted of shoplifting from a Target in Denton, Texas.  Marketic walked out of the store with a package of Olay Professional ProX skin treatment valued at $59.99 and two baby items for a total of $86.97, according to a Denton police report.

Here's some great news for the dieing newspaper industry.  Perhaps there is still use for newsprint afterall.

My good buddy Jimmer Fridette pulled up from 40 feet last night and drained it....Can't wait to see this guy try to make it in the NBA.

In Conclusion, this is how I feel about ridding my body of the flu.

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